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This makes it hard to decipher which infection you might be experiencing. The disease can wreak havoc on people with vaginas by causing pelvic inflammatory disease, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancies, and potentially causing infertility. For those with penises, it can cause epididymitis and infertility. The CDC also suggests young women are more prone to the infection, with 1 in 20 women between 14 and 24 years old estimated to have chlamydia.
Depending on the test, you may need to visit a lab in person for collection. Every other part of the process, including lab order, payment, and results, is done online. Aside from the kits, Everlywell also offers individual tests for trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C, syphilis, and HIV. While myLAB Box doesn’t accept health insurance, you can pay with your HSA or FSA card. Note that just because myLAB Box accepts the card for payment, it doesn’t mean your plan covers at-home STD testing.
How To Use An Std Test Kit
Seek out a counselor or therapist to offer support and answer questions you may have. If you need immediate help, call the 24-hour toll free HIV hotline to find a counselor in your state. Rapid POC testing gives patients resources and information they need while they wait for their test results, giving them a chance to learn more about HIV infection and risk reduction. Since POC testing provides results with little delay, those who want to get tested and receive their results quickly may feel more motivated to stay and wait.
Sexually transmitted infections are more common than you may realize. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 1 in 5 people in the United States had an STI in 2018. Untreated, syphilis can progress over time and cause permanent damage to your brain, nerves, heart, and other parts of your body. Because the early-stage symptoms are mild, you may not know you're infected and can easily spread the virus to others. Because of this, infections can be left untreated, increasing the risk of complications and the chance of the infection spreading to other people.
How do at-home and lab-direct STD tests work?
If your test is positive, LetsGetChecked’s medical team is available 24/7 to answer your questions. The team will call you to explain your results and provide treatment options. At-home tests can fail for many reasons besides just the technical limitations of the tests themselves. For example, improper swabbing can cause a false negative result.
Except for HIV tests, the FDA hasn’t approved STD test kits for use outside a medical setting. For an HIV self-test, you must swab your gums to collect an oral fluid sample and then test your sample. The companies on this list specialize in private and discreet STD testing. Plus issue results in as little as 24 hours, which is great if you want a swift diagnosis and the ability to start treatment immediately. If lab-based testing is not for you, Everlywell, LetsGetChecked, and MyLab Box allow you to test for numerous STDs in the privacy of your own home, while still providing fast results. If you would rather collect your own samples in the privacy of your own home, LetsGetChecked and Everlywell offer fast, free, and discreet shipping.
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You should also make sure a test is approved by the Food and Drug Administration . To determine whether the FDA approves a product, you can check the FDA’s website. Lab-based tests are generally more thorough than self-collected examinations. To select the best, we polled several doctors, read various research studies, and asked fellow users. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 1 in 5 people in the United States had an STD or STI on any given day in 2018. Here’s how to figure out what type of at-home STD test is best for you, which products to consider, and when to see a doctor.

Many Australians who have a Chlamydial infection are without symptoms and may not realize they are infected. In men, infection of this STI can cause a white discharge from the penis with or without a burning sensation during urination. Whilst easily treated, if left untreated, chlamydia infections can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences. Home test kits for Chlamydia allow for easy detection of the bacterium.
The Best Rapid STD Testing with Instant STD Results
A positive result does not definitively mean infection, only that more testing is necessary. A negative result may not be accurate if you have been exposed within the last 3 months. The coverage of at-home STI tests varies, so it’s best to speak with your doctor or insurance company about your options. Some clinics, like Planned Parenthood health centers, provide free or low-cost STI tests, depending on your income. Nurx provides three user-friendly kits that cover commonly contracted infections. The test kits include unlimited messaging with Nurx’s medical professionals, shipping, and results.
Sexually active adolescents or adults who are comfortable with telemedicine consultations if they get a positive result. Sexually active adults who want to test for the STDs commonly tested for by physicians and may want to use the discounted subscription plan. Sexually active adolescents and adults who are comfortable with telemedicine consultations if they get a positive result. Sexually active adults who want to test for the STDs commonly tested for by physicians. Antibodies are proteins the body makes to fight off an infection. When people know their HIV status, they have powerful information they can use to take care of themselves.
Cutting down on processing time and by collecting and analyzing your samples on-site allows to provide the fastest STD test results of all the companies on this list. Your results report is delivered to your secure online account in as little as 24 hours. The speed of results isn’t the only important factor, your test also needs to be affordable, accurate, and simple to take. After weeks of research, I’ve managed to eliminate the weaker providers to identify the best at-home rapid STD testing kits. If you’re concerned about your sexual health, you want quick results from an STD test.
The rapid self-test is done in the privacy of your home and typically takes 20 minutes to get results. The only FDA-approved test, OraQuick, test checks for antibodies in HIV, which are proteins that the body creates to fight off HIV infection. Urine samples need to be delivered in plastic bottles, which are part of your test kits, and they need to be filled to at least half of the bottle.
Firstly, those who have a phobia of giving blood or those who are deterred from health testing because they have to give blood will not need to worry about this aspect. One of the main differences between traditional STD testing and rapid STD testing is the collections that are taken. While in-office STD tests may be considered the most reliable, the home test kits on our list also have a reputation for being accurate. Still, test accuracy varies depending on the type of sample and the test detection method. Aside from these, the service sells individual tests for each STD or STI.
Several at-home STD testing companies can provide accurate results in less than a week, discreetly and inexpensively. A good at-home STI test provides clear information about what STIs are being tested for. It allows you to get tested for any STI you might be worried about. Traditional STD testing (attending the doctors or a walk-in lab, and today using home STD tests) may require blood, urine or swab samples and samples are sent to a laboratory. Everlywell sells an STD kit geared to males and one geared to females.
Verywell Health content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication.

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